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Das Weibliche


Das weibliche

14.07.2023 – 02.09.2023
Ana Dévora, Ela Fidaldo, Sam Jackson, Suwon Lee, Alejandro Monge, Lara Padilla, Dana Sherwood  
Galerie Heike Strelow

At a time when gender roles are being redefined and gender equality is being sought, it is also necessary to reflect on what constitutes the concept of the feminine (des Weiblichen) today. The topic is very complex, as it is strongly determined by social constructions and cultural norms that are subject to permanent change. Even though the topic is ultimately inseparable from the role of women in society, the exhibition, which is to be the prelude to a series of group exhibitions on this topic, would like to focus primarily on the physical aspects of the feminine. This is connected with a variety of questions that have always been of importance across epochs and cultures and are still controversially discussed today. 

The exhibition DAS WEIBLICHE shows works by 5 artists and 2 artists from Great Britain, Spain, Venezuela/South Korea and the USA, whose paintings and sculptures deal with different aspects of the visualisation, perception and social reception of the female body.

Galerie Heike Strelow
Lange Str. 31
60311 Frankfurt am Main

T. +49 69 48 00 54 40

Mo, Mit–Fr 12–18 Uhr
Sa 12–15 Uhr

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