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Jan van der Ploeg


Jan van der Ploeg

12.05. - 25.06.2023
Galerie Siedlarek

Galerie Siedlarek is pleased to welcome Jan van der Ploeg to the gallery and to present his first solo exhibition in Frankfurt. Van der Ploeg is a leading representative of contemporary geometric abstraction in the Netherlands. The exhibition will feature new works on canvas vis-à-vis a new wall painting specifically designed by van der Ploeg for the exterior space of the gallery, which will be presented to the public during the opening of SPRING VIEW on May 12th.

Galerie Siedlarek
Fahrgasse 20
60311 Frankfurt am Main

T. +49 176 80 45 26 51

Mi–Fr 12–18 Uhr
Sa 12–16 Uhr

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