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Cum grano salis

  • Rundgaenger 63 Niddastraße Frankfurt am Main, HE, 60329 Deutschland (Karte)

Double Feature

15.02.2024 – 13.04.2024
Galamb Thorday

Rundgænger is looking forward to the first solo exhibition of the painter Galamb Thorday in Frankfurt. Who hasn’t heard these phrases before? “treat yourself” or “find your inner centre again”. Something has gone off the rails due to constant stress and needs to be brought back into balance with a very special wellness treatment. The Leipzig-based painter has found her subjects in the well-tempered massage room, sauna paradise or beauty parlour. In her razor-sharp paintings, she shows us ideal places of well-being. In the “Cum grano salis” exhibition, you can discover the artist’s latest works – guaranteed to have a relaxing effect.

Niddastraße 63
60329 Frankfurt am Main

Tel. +49 173 313 52 12 / Tel. +49 175 207 27 93

Mi–Sa 15–18 Uhr
Do 19–21 Uhr (late view)

Mehr erfahren

10. Februar

At Any Given Hour

15. Februar

Shifting Surfaces